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How and when can I amend or end a listing

After listing an item, free2auction allows you to change or alter it, or many listings at one time through the bulk amend page. You may also end auctions early and remove old amendments from your store items.

Amendment fields
Almost every setting of your listing may be altered when amending an item, the main field that you cannot adjust is the description field. free2auction does not allow sellers to change an items description because it may lead a buyer to being mislead by not seeing the changes. If the description of your item requires changes or additional information you may use the special amendment note field which is noted at the top of the item listing with the date it was entered, this way potential buyers can easily see what has been altered or updated from the content description. Amendment notes may be plain text or html code.
In addition when you change item settings that may affect a buyers decision to purchase an item, free2auction generates an amendment note that is shown above the auction description.

Auction amendments
An auction may be in one of two stages when you enter an amendment to it. If the auction has no bids you may make extended amendments which include changing the quantity, pricing, Sellers Guarantee, and shipping options, if the auction has bids then these fields will not be available to change.
When adding sell features that have additional fees to an auction, the extra amount will be charged to your account after you submit the amendment.
Auctions may be ended at any time, when ending an auction that has bids you may choose to cancel the existing bids and finish the auction without a winner, or end the auction early with the current high bidder being the winner (if they have bid higher than any reserve price).

Store item amendments
Store items may be amended or adjusted at any time and appear the same as auction amendments. For store items you may also remove amendment notes over 2 weeks old either by selecting to remove them all, or entering the amendment history manager to select which amendments are visible.

How to amend an item
To amend an item you may use the amend actions in the open auctions and store item tables. To bulk amend items use the action check box in the relevant table and select bulk amend as your action, or use the Manual bulk amend selection below.
manual bulk amend selection

Amendment policies
Changing or adding critical information to your auction after users have placed bids is not allowed, if a user who placed their bid before the amendment was made wins the auction they may have grounds to not follow through with the transaction in which case if you issue a fee credit against this buyer it will be reversed and penalties may apply.
Amendments made to store items after a member has made a purchase are not considered binding to that buyer, however subsequent buyers will be held to the new amendments.

Bulk edit items
You may bulk edit open auctions or storeitems by checking the box next to each listing from your selling or store page and chosing the bulk edit action. Bulk edit is different to bulk amend in that you may apply advanced changes such as replace or multiple to edit a single field for each listing.
Examples of the use of bulk edit are increasing the price of all your items by 10%, replacing a typo in your location, or rebuilding your items thumbnails from their picture urls. You may also upload a CSV file of changes to a large set of listings using the bulk edit tool.

Bulk amend page
The bulk amend page allows you to make generic changes to a selection of listings at one time. You may choose which fields you wish to amend, with any selected changes applying to all the chosen listings and replacing old settings. You may also use the bulk amend page to end a selection of auctions early, or remove old amendment notes for multiple store items.
It is important to know how to choose which fields you want to update. On the left of the form is a separate column that houses check boxes for most fields to set if changes will be applied to them, however there are some fields that do not need this check box, if you enter any value in them the change will be applied. The fields that do not use the check box are:
- amendment note
- sold from location
- region or country#
- bold and featured (auctions - can only be adjusted on, not off)
- quantity (auctions)
- starting price (auctions - if changed the set currency will also apply)
- category (store items)
- price (store items - if changed the set currency will also apply)
- maximum quantity (store items)

Some of the check boxes cover groups of fields, if you apply the change for the group, every field will by applied and replace the old settings. The groups are:
- payment methods (all payment method settings will be applied)
- payment address (all address and contact details including whether to use optional payment address will be applied)
- shipping costs (shipping setting, charge, and insurance options will be applied)
- shipping and tracking (all shipping and tracking settings will be applied)

If you choose the check box next to picture manager, then all existing pictures, picture urls, icons, and thumbnails will be removed and replaced with your picture manager input.

Bulk amend examples
If you made a selection of auctions and wanted to add an amendment note to them and change the payment payment methods you accept, you would enter the bulk amend page, simply type your amendment note, check the box in the left column next to payment methods and choose the new set of payment methods accepted. After submitting the form all the selected auctions would have the new amendment note and would reflect the new payment methods accepted, all other settings for the auctions would remain at their old values.
If you wanted to change the category that a selection of store items are listed in, remove any 2nd categories, and increase the available quantity for them all to 100, you would enter the bulk amend page with the desired store items chosen, enter the new category into the category# field, check the left column box next to 2nd category# but leave the 2nd category empty or 0, check the left column box next to available quantity and enter 100 into the available quantity field. After submitting, the changes would be applied to your selected store items.

Manual bulk amend selection
The below form allows you to have simpler control over the listings you wish to amend. Multiple auction or store item ids may be entered, each separated by a comma (,), submitting this form will take you to the bulk amendment page for the chosen listings.

amend multiple listings
auction ids
store item ids

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