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eBay statistics

In addition to being able to transfer your eBay auctions to be listing in the free2auction community, you may also transfer statistical data from eBay to study your selling trends, recognize your popular items, and find the most successful times to list your auctions. As with eBay listing transfers, this service is free and does not require your eBay password.

Configuring your account to transfer statistical data from eBay
The first step is to go to your options page and enter your eBay user id in the given field, in the same manner as configuring eBay listing transfers. Once this is done you may check 'automatically update eBay statistical data every five days' if you would like free2auction to keep your statistical data up to date every five days, or you may manually update your statistical data by clicking the 'update eBay statistical data' link in your options page or from your eBay summary table.

Viewing eBay statistics
After you have begun transferring your statistical data from eBay, you can view, edit, and generate graphs from the transferred data. To do this you must add eBay statistics tables and graphs to your activity pages. The simplest way to do this is to go to your manage activity pages page
here, select to insert a new page of the type 'eBay Statistics', this will create a basic statistics page including an eBay summary table, eBay sell trends graph, eBay popularity stats graph, eBay end time stats, and eBay auctions table that lists all the transferred data. All of these tables may be user configured to show the statistics that you wish to study.

eBay statistics tables and graphs
There are two tables, and three types of graphs that relate to eBay statistics:

eBay summary table: Offers a list of summary totals for your eBay selling activities. This table may be configured to show you totals for open auctions, open auctions that will sell, open auctions that will not sell, successfully sold auctions within a set number of days, and unsuccessful auctions that have ended within a set number days.
eBay auctions table: This table shows auction data that has been transferred from eBay to be used for statistical analysis, you may check the transferred data is correct, edit each listing from this table, or exclude some data from being counted in graphs. The eBay auctions table may be configured to show only the columns you use, and may have filters applied such as title, category, only show sold or not sold items, or only show ended or open listings. You may choose to show data that has ended up to 30 days ago along with currently open listings.

The below graphs all include the following configurable options:
-You may specify the time range that that graph will show data for, data outside of this time range will not be included in statistical counts. The time range may be in the form of a set start to end date, or as a set number of days, weeks, or months before the current date.
-You may specify the form the results are shown in, available forms are: total value which is the total dollar value; number sold which is a count; percent sold which gives you a representation of the percentage sold/not sold from the total number listed; average price; maximum price; and minimum price.
-You may choose to show bars or trends for sold items, unsold items, and/or the total of these two.
-You can apply filters to the data such as title or category filters to accurately analyze different product lines.
eBay end time stats graph: Find the most successful end time for your eBay auctions, grouped by day of the week, or time of the day.
eBay popularity stats graph: You can monitor which items are selling the most (or the least) on eBay, you may also use this graph to see the most and least successful eBay categories you sell in.
eBay sell trends graph: A powerful graph that allows you to track your eBay sales trends over a period of time. By adding filters to this graph you may track individual items, groups of items, or categories.

Notes about transferring statistical data
Each time statistical data is transferred to free2auction from your eBay account (either manually or automatically) only the last 30 days will be retrieved, so when you first begin collecting your data you may not have a lot to work with, but by setting your account to automatically update this data every five days, you can be assured that your eBay selling data will continue to be stored.
Each time the data is retrieved from eBay, all open listings and ended listings over the past 30 days will be stored, if a retrieved item has already been stored at free2auction the newly retrieved data will update any existing data, this is important for previously open listings that have sold or had a new bid, however you may manually update a listing and not wish for it to be overwritten the next time you transfer your statistical data, to do this you must select 'do not update' when you are editing the individual listings data.
Fixed price auctions on eBay do not specify wether they have been sold or not, the data will be transferred to free2auction, but to avoid errors in statistical results fixed price auctions will automatically be set as excluded from statistical reports.
If you select to automatically update eBay statistical data, when you view your statistics and graphs, the data may not by up to date with your current eBay listings, you should manually 'update data for eBay listings' from your options page or eBay summary table to show accurate statistical reports and graphs.

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