free2auction - free online auctions and stores
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If you wish to sell identical products at a fixed price you may enable your store and list store items. Store items are listed on browse and search results in a table below auction results and include all the applicable features and options of an ordinary auction. Your store items are presented in your store which may have a picture and description, and appear as bold or featured against other stores when buyers browse free2auction stores.

Enabling and editing your store
To enable your store go to your options page and select activate my store. After submitting the options page, click edit my store and configure the settings to your liking. Once activated, your store will appear when members browse stores, and when other members view your details a link will appear to view your store.
If free2auction detects that you have not previously configure a store activity page, this page will be created for you including the store related tables recent store sales, open store items, and closed store items.

Selling your store items
Store items are sold in the same way as auctions from the sell page, however some of the fields applicable to auctions are not used for store items and store items have three fields that are not used by auctions.
In your options page you may choose to show only auction details, auction and store item details, or only store item details in the sell form depending on which type of items you sell. By default this option is set to only auction details, but when you activate your store it is set to auction and store item details. If you enable both store and auction details in your sell item form, when selling an item you must select whether it is an auction or a store item.
Store item require price, maximum quantity, and available quantity fields. Maximum quantity is the maximum units one buyer can purchase at one time. Available quantity is the total number of items you have for sale, this value reduces every time a purchase is made and if it reaches zero your store item is automatically closed. The available quantity of your store item is not seen by other members unless it reduces below the maximum quantity value.

Managing your store items
After listing a store item you may make amendments and adjust its settings by amending the item from your store item tables. When you make amendments they are noted at the top of the store item listing, you have the option of removing amendments over 2 weeks old, do so by choosing to amend the item, then at the bottom of the amend page select manage amendment history or remove all amendments.
amend help
If a store items available quantity reaches 0 it will be closed automatically. When a store item is closed it may not be viewed or purchased by other members, you may open and close store items from your store item tables, and increase a store items available quantity by amending it.
Your store must be enabled to have open store items, if you disable your store all open store items will be closed.

Store purchase ids
Most activities involving store items can be accessed using the items store item id, however there are occasions when you must specify an individual purchase, to do this you must use the unique store purchase id.
You can find the store purchase id in your recent store sales table, or if you click on the buyers link next to an individual store item in the store item tables. For old store purchases you may use the Archive of closed store items link in your options page, and then select buyers next to the appropriate store item.
You must use store purchase ids when requesting fee credits or when creating an invoice for sold items.

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