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Managing TAM products and listings

Creating a TAM item catalog of your products is one of the most useful tools in the TAM system, allowing you to easily manage large numbers of items being sold on different sites.

How to create TAM items
To begin creating TAM items first enable TAM for your free2auction account from your options page, this will give you a third row of buttons in your free2auction title bar. In this third row select tam activities, here you may choose to create a new product from a blank form, or create a new product from a template you have previously entered. You may change an items template at any time.
The only required field when entering a TAM item is the items title, all other settings may be completed as required and will not be checked for input accuracy at this time, only when the item is later listed to a live site such as entering the item as free2auction auction.
The product code is a user defined code which may be used to link the item to other catalogs, or perhaps as a keyword searchable field for filtering your products.
Shipping Weight setting may be used to automatically calculate shipping prices on quotes and orders.
Reorder level may be used to help you filter which products need to be restocked.
You may upload one picture for each TAM item, this picture will be stored at free2auction and entered as a url when listing on free2auction or at eBay. If you enter a value for the picture url field this setting will replace any uploaded pictures, if you have either set you may use eBay's Gallery or Gallery Featured settings.

free2auction offers tools to add large numbers of TAM products at one time, if you have an external database the CSV import tool allows you to upload a CSV text file of product information
help. You may also make TAM products from eBay or free2auction listings using the Bulk Loader tool, for free2auction auctions select the listings from your selling page and choose the sell similar or relist bulk action, this will take you to the Bulk Loader. For eBay listings use the eBay loader and transfer the listings to the Bulk Loader, from here you may check the export to tam products box and then process to complete the transfer.

TAM item descriptions
When listing at auction sites the description field is often a very large and complicated section of the listings details. A TAM item handles its description in a separate page and may also be previewed to confirm its appearance is correct. This allows for handling of more complicated description configurations that derive from TAM templates.
There are a set of variable strings that may be entered into a description, these variables will be replaced at the time of creating a live listing or export with the appropriate data as follows:
[tamitemid]: The items unique TAM item id
[tamtitle]: The items title string
[tamproductcode]: The items user defined product code
In addition you may create segments that are only seen when listed on a particular site, the supported sites are free2auction (tag: f2a), eBay (tag: ebay) and Yahoo (tag: yahoo). To make a segment of your description only visible to one site use the following tags in your description, the tags will not be seen, and then content part will only be outputted when listing to the site specified in the tag:
[f2a start] content [f2a end]: Default, outputted when listing to free2auction or CSV exports
[ebay start] content [ebay end]: Only outputted when exporting to Turbolister
[yahoo start] content [yahoo end]: Only outputted when exporting to Yahoo's bulkloader

eBay configuration and listings
It is a common complaint of eBay sellers that uploading and managing large numbers of products at eBay is a time consuming headache, especially when working with eBay's Turbolister program. The TAM system attempts to remove this headache by offering an eBay configuration page where you can enter listing details for various eBay sites, and then export these items at any time to be imported by Turbolister and then transferred directly to eBay. Using this feature allows you to quickly deliver sets of TAM products, perhaps first filtering by stock levels, to eBay. Also be setting up multiple eBay sites for your TAM products you may quickly take advantage of site specific specials, or alter your marketing strategy on a per site basis.
The eBay attributes code, shipping code, international shipping code, and ship-to codes are complicated Turbolister strings that house many variables. These codes are often required for eBay listings, to find them for your items you will have to enter a sample listing in Turbolister and export it to CSV, then find the corresponding field, copy the code and paste it into the TAM item form. Many of these codes can be reused, for example if all your items have the same shipping configuration, however attributes codes can be more difficult as they often differ per item and per category. TAM templates are a good tool for handling eBay settings including these codes.
Due to the regularity of changes to eBay's Turbolister program the TAM system does not verify the accuracy of any settings you enter. If a listing you are working with does not import correctly into Turbolister, first try creating a sample listing on Turbolister with the values you want and exporting it to CSV, compare this exported file with one generated by the TAM Turbolister export tool, it is often possible to find the differences and update your TAM settings to correct the problem. If you are still unable to import you TAM item please contact the free2auction webmaster with details.

Yahoo! configuration and listings
The Yahoo configuration for each TAM item allows you to easily export a set of items for listing on Yahoo! auctions, either by importing the data into the Yahoo! Seller's Manager, or by uploading the CSV file directly through Yahoo's Bulk Loader. Many of the fields for Yahoo listings including price, duration, and payment methods are taken from the items free2auction settings reducing the amount of input you need to enter. If you have difficulties exporting your TAM item data to Yahoo please contact the free2auction webmaster with details.

Listing TAM items as free2auction auctions
You may list an item at any time as a free2auction auction by selecting the link in the TAM products table, however you may also configure each TAM item to automatically be listed on free2auction at given intervals. When configuring automatic listings you may choose to always automatically list the item or, if you are using the TAM system to control your stock levels, to list only when the items has a certain level in stock. You may also set the quantity that the item is listed with either as a set value or as your current stock level.
If your TAM item configuration contains data that does not comply with the free2auction auction format the items will not be listed, an easy way to test this is try manually listing the item to free2auction first.

Listing TAM items as a free2auction store item
A TAM item may be linked directly to one free2auction store item, do this by entering the store item id in the TAM item details page or by select the link in the details page to list the item as a free2auction store item, which will create the store item and attach it to the TAM item. You may remove a store item from being linked to a TAM item at any time by removing the store item id from the TAM item details page.
When a store item is linked to a TAM item you may configure your TAM account to automatically create new TAM customers and new TAM orders when purchases are made, and to automatically update the store items available quantity as your TAM items stock changes.

Updating TAM items
You may enter an individual TAM items configuration pages by clicking on the items title in any TAM system page, the most common place to do this is from the TAM products table which allows you to search your catalog by a combination of various filters including title, category, have stock etc..
In addition to individual updates you may edit items in bulk from the TAM products table. First check a selection of the items you wish to edit and from the bulk actions choose edit, edit desc (description), or edit ebaysite. These bulk edit tools work on one field at a time and allow you to perform a range of alterations to that field, such as overwriting all data, replacing text strings in titles and descriptions, or performing arithmetic on price fields.
If a variable is controlled by a template then you will not be able to alter it using the bulk tools. If you are editing bulk TAM item descriptions and your selected TAM items have multiple description sections passed down from parent templates then you must select which section you are performing the update on, if some of the items do not contain a compatible section as that chosen then the update will not be performed on them.

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